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At our store, we aim for higher quality by constantly considering the following five points. I understand that this may not be possible in many cases, but thank you for your understanding.

For Our Online Customers

Not being able to see the living body directly is the most unsettling factor when purchasing. In order to alleviate that anxiety, we have posted images of each individual ball python in our store. In addition to being able to choose your favorite specimen, you can also grasp the condition of each individual, and we believe that this will also lead to improving the quality of our store by not selling specimens that are in poor condition.


Not being able to see the living body directly is the most unsettling factor when purchasing. In order to alleviate that anxiety, we have posted images of each individual ball python in our store. In addition to being able to choose your favorite specimen, you can also grasp the condition of each individual, and we believe that this will also lead to improving the quality of our store by not selling specimens that are in poor condition.

We are confident in our biological condition !

When you browse the internet, you often see living things being sold at very low prices. Of course, if I were the customer, I would think that there is nothing better than being able to purchase it cheaply. It’s fine if it’s in good condition, but there are many that will die if you don’t start them up. In fact, I often hear about troubles in cases like this. This is common sense for a store that handles living things, but we always keep these things in mind when managing animals, such as raising animals in poor condition and curing sick animals.

Better things for cheaper !

We will offer the same price even if it has been maintained and is in good condition. We would like to do our best to respond to requests regarding prices for living organisms so that customers who use our store are satisfied. Please feel free to contact us for price negotiation.

Considering breeding from the ecology of the living organism...

Management methods and breeding environments vary depending on the species, and methods of starting up and feeding vary depending on the species. We stock the species by considering the environment in which it lives in the wild, the method it uses to catch food, and the characteristics of the species. However, there is a big difference between captivity and the natural environment, so rather than just imitating the natural environment, we develop and stock breeding methods that are suitable for each type.

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